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Find Your Wedding Vision

Does the thought of planning your wedding send you into sheer panic? Well lovelies, you are not alone, I promise! There is an overwhelming amount to think about isn’t there…..who will be my bridesmaids, stationery, the venue, decor, flowers, the DRESS, eek it can make your head spin! And if you are anything like me the overwhelm just led me prioritising random errands i.e anything but sit down and deal with the reality that we were getting married & there was going to be a wedding!


‘Everything is Figureoutable’ Marie Forleo

I love this quote as it really is so true! It doesn’t mean you’ll crack the wedding code in one day, it could take 2 weeks or even a month or 2 but it does require to START somewhere and that is what I’ll cover today. A starting point that you can all do. It is actually really fun & the exact task needed to motivate you to get planning, but most importantly freak’in excited you are getting married, whoop whoop!

Right, so when it comes to our life/career goals what do we do? Set New Year’s resolutions, financial goals, create  a vision board to visualise your future? Well you can apply the exact same formula to your wedding, why not?!

The aim of this exercise is for you to establish and visualise the important components/big decisions to be made for your wedding, as ultimately these biggies will need to be cracked & handled first. So how are you going to do this, well you, yes you & your boo, are going to create your very own Wedding Vision Board!

What do you need to do:

1. Schedule it in! Make it a weekend morning/afternoon for both of you to sit together to crack your wedding vision together

2. Prior to this date, find a good stack of wedding magazines (you could buy new, find 2nd hand or ask past brides if they have any). If you have been pinning from Blogs & Pinterest / Facebook, print out these images as well

3. Plant the seed before your sit down. By this I don’t mean have a synopsis ready, just have a bit of a think of how you imagine your day to be like

3. Scissors, glue, coffee, a dollop of enthusiasm & an open mind. An open mind is very important as there will be some areas where you may disagree, so be open to compromise in some areas, so your partner feels a part of the wedding planning journey


So, before you get cutting and sticking here is a list to run through & answer together. This will help to build the foundations of your wedding day:

1. Season, month & time of day to get married?

2. Big/Small wedding, Inside/Outside wedding?

3. Type of ceremony service e.g. religious/non-religious?

4. Ceremony & Reception venue thoughts?

5. Upcoming plans to set the scene e.g buying a home, travel?

Now for the fun bit! Take a pile of magazines each & without too much thought cut/tear out the images that really catch your eye & match your wedding ideals. Make a pile for ceremony & reception ideas, colours, themes, table arrangements, decor, flowers, stationery, lighting, food & drinks.

Once you have created each pile spread them out on a table & take a look at any common ideas/themes that you are both drawn too or can compromise to agree to! Identify from your cuttings what type of wedding day that you both love e.g. Bohemian Summer Garden Wedding Party, & take out any other cuttings that do not match up to your chosen wedding ideal.


If you are undecided, have a break, or maybe come back to it the following weekend. These are big questions to answer and this piece of work will really help you later down the line. So take the time to get it to a stage that you are both really happy with. When you are, it is time to get sticking!

You can stick these in your my Little Wedding Book, where there is a dedicated spread for your Vision Board or alternatively you can create your own on an A3 board. This is such a handy tool that you can take pictures of to reference to later and to send to your potential future wedding suppliers, so they can understand your vision & if they can deliver what you want to achieve.

So there you go, that wasn’t too hard was it? And that is exactly how to approach your wedding planning, you can do this, so embrace it, get stuck in, have fun & figure it out, because you will! x

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